12 years ago, Guy Kawasaki was already teaching in U.S. top universities the importance of making meaning in your company. To him, this is the core essence of entrepreneurship. He believes a company set up to make money will not make meaning, and will probably not make any money as well. Here are his three ways to make meaning as a company.

Increase the quality of life — That's precisely what he and the Macintosh division at Apple did when they were designing this product.

Right a wrong — Find something in the world that is going wrong and fix it.

Prevent the end of something good — Engage in sustaining wonderful things around you.

Making meaning is a great motivation to help you going through. I'll build on that later on in an essay about making meaning both in your company, and your personal life.

Source: https://youtu.be/lQs6IpJQWXc