The Objectives-Key-Results framework is a methodology for creating and tracking objectives. Its main benefit is to keep vision, objectives and key results always in front of the whole team. It is a proven framework Google, Intel, LinkedIn, Zinga, Oracle, Twitter, amongst other, have been using.

DEFINE From your vision derive ambitious objectives (5 maximum), which have a few numerical key results (3-5 maximum) on which are built todos. Define annual and quarterly objectives on the company, team and personal levels.

SHARE Use a quarterly template to keep track of the roadmap on each of those organization's levels.

Objective 1 — Description, Alignment, Progress (% average) Key result 1 — Progress (%) Key result 2 — Progress (%) Key result 3 — Progress (%) Objective 2 — Description, Alignment, Progress (% average) Key result 1 — Progress (%) Key result 2 — Progress (%) Key result 3 — Progress (%) Objective 3 — Description, Alignment, Progress (% average) Key result 1 — Progress (%) Key result 2 — Progress (%) Key result 3 — Progress (%)

It's fine to use Google Docs to implement this, even if your company is big. Everyone OKRs have to be public to the whole company. On the team and personal levels, you can add to each objective a description of why it's important highlighting how it aligns with the objectives of the superiors/peers levels.

UPDATE Each individual should update its key result completion on a weekly basis, define todos for the following week for each of its key results, and take a few minutes to see where its superiors/peers levels are.

ASSESS At the end of each quarter, define the new objectives and draft the next key results. Calculate key results average to get the objectives grades. Google says a 60-70% is succeeding, meaning that you have to define challenging objectives that make you uncomfortable.

Sources: http://www.slideshare.net/HenrikJanVanderPol/how-to-outperform-anyone-else-introduction-to-okr https://weekdone.com/resources/objectives-key-results https://medium.com/startup-tools/okrs-5afdc298bc28#.g6jbh8gqj http://firstround.com/review/How-to-Make-OKRs-Actually-Work-at-Your-Startup/